Capricorn New Moon
First new moon of 2024 is happening on 1/11/2024 at 6:57AM EST at 20 degrees of Capricorn.
Capricorn new moons take serious stock of how our goals are nourishing our hearts and allowing our best selves to be seen and recognized in the world.
This particular Capricorn New Moon has a Capricorn stellium (3 or more planets in the same sign) serving us a heavy dose of this grounding and methodical sign and coaxing us to seriously chase after the things that make us feel emotionally fulfilled.
As we do this we’ll be pressed against a ceiling held up by our fears and self limiting beliefs. With all the earth in the sky and harmonious aspects between Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter you’ll be able to envision your world without that ceiling and determined enough to work past the fears that come up when you dare to dream big.
The key to this Capricorn New Moon is to strive for goals that embrace our truest sense of self, not what we’re told we should do or want.
With this new moon squaring the nodes in Aries and Libra and trining Uranus we are coming to terms with who gives us space and permission to be our authentic, wild, and creative selves bringing us closer to our purpose and people.
Be prepared for a change in mindset that will ease the fear of change and galvanize you to take small, but impactful steps towards your goals.
If you want to learn more about this Cap New Moon you can purchase my digital lunation journal.
-Capricorn correspondences for spell work
-Interpretation of the Cap Tarot card
-Capricorn characteristics
-Chart for the Capricorn New Moon
-Breakdown of the transits for this Cap New Moon
-Journal prompts