The Outer Planets Convene
The Minor Grand Trine In The Sky
You know what’s astrologically bananas? That within the next year we’ll have not one, not two, but all THREE outer planets shifting signs!
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have been in a particular sign for lets just say a LONG time. Neptune entered Pisces back in February 2012, Uranus went into Taurus in May of 2018, and Pluto first entered Capricorn way back in 2008. And their cycles are now celestially synced up to all shift within the same year. Bananas.
This is significant because:
1) The timing (what are the odds?!) and
2) We’re talking about the OUTER planets!
The outer planets have way more weight in astrology because they move slower than what we call the traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). They’re the ones we look to for generational, ancestral, and collective themes. They’re like the Major Arcana cards vs the Minor Arcana in tarot. When the outer planets move we feel them. Period.
The outer planets have exponentially more gravitas and impact on the collective than the traditional planets and especially the “personal” planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars). The traditional planets have faster cycles- they don’t have the time to create significant changes. It takes an age to create a canyon.
And RIGHT now in the fall of 2024 they’re edging on the precipice of significant change. All 3 outer planets are in the late degrees of a sign and as they cross the very sensitive anaretic degree (29 degrees of a sign) the planets get more dramatic and intense as starts to straddle two worlds. Feels very confusing for the planet, right? For any planet on its own it’s significant, but with ALL three of the outer planets teetering between past and future, the energy is palpable in the collective. As a society we’re cemented between our shedded skin to the left and the foggy horizon of the future to the right. We’re ready to close the door on old patterns and cycles, but not yet pushed out.
And this isn’t happening in a vacuum. The outer planets are in what’s called a Minor Grand Trine, a beautifully supportive and collaborative aspect (Uranus and Pluto each forming a sextile to Neptune and a trine to each other).
With water and earth in this aspect we are resourced to manifest and mold our vision for the future (Neptune) and how it’ll dramatically change (Uranus) and transform (Pluto) us. As a farewell gift the outer planets are convening to offer us a final opportunity to close lengthy chapters of our lives and use it as fertile soil for the seeds of the future. They’re guiding us, like a starry map, to prepare for how our world will radically change.
So what can we do? Where are these stars guiding us to? First step is to take a long look over your shoulder towards the past. I’ll give you dates in the journal prompts below, but this is the moment to stop and take count of how much has happened in between these years. How many people have we met and bid farewell to? How many versions of ourselves have we released and embraced? How much have we accomplished? I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking of Debra of 2008 as a memory or even a ghost.
And for my tarot friends I ask you to lean onto the 6 of Cups, the Sun in Scorpio card and popularly referred to as the “nostalgia” card. But for me as a moon in Scorpio that always felt…incomplete. There was so much more depth (Scorpio) in that card than the singular word “nostalgia”.
The 6 of Cups asks you to take a look back with the vantage point of the present. It wants you to climb the hill of time and go back to the past for your inner child. It wants you to visit the past with the tender love you would have not only for your younger self, but for all those involved. What wisdom would you give? What would you tell them? Where can you offer love and healing in memories of pain and grief? And as emotionally taxing as this is, the parting gift of the 6 of cups is- that it’s now all okay. And not because of or in spite of, but in tandem of the “good” and the “bad”. And that provides hope for the future. Like the bright yellow in the card- the light of the past can light your path to the future.
I always thought that the 6 of cups should have a third figure. The dwarf figure that represents the present offering a gift to the child (past) in the Pamela Coleman Smith illustration resonates, of course, but what if that child passed that gift to a 3rd figure representing the future?
And that’s what I want for all of us- to take the gift of lessons learned, evolution, struggle, love, and healing to empower (Pluto) ourselves for this next chapter.
To help guide you I created some journal prompts to recall and reflect on the transformations assisted by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto over the past decade or so.
If you want a deeper look into how these outer planets will be affecting YOUR personal chart use code OUTERPLANETS for 20% off on a year ahead reading with me.
Journal Prompts
Uranus in Taurus Prompts:
(Think 2018 onward)
How have you changed your relationship with your values and money?
How has your self care evolved?
How have your food habits changed?
How has your need for stability been shaken?
How have used love to liberate yourself?
Uranus entered Taurus in 2018, currently at 27 degrees of Taurus, and will ingress into Gemini on 7/8/2025. Next time it’ll be in Taurus will be in 84 years.
Neptune in Pisces Prompts:
(Think 2012 onward)
How has your creativity blossomed?
What films, music, art, and books have influenced you since 2012?
What have you used for escapism and disassociation? And how has that evolved?
How has your spirituality changed? What spiritual tools have you learned or gotten rid of?
How have your dreams and ideals changed?
What fantasies have been disillusioned?
Neptune entered Pisces in 2012, currently at 28 degrees of Pisces, and will ingress into Aries on 3/31/2025. Next time it’ll be in Pisces is in 146 years.
Pluto in Capricorn Prompts:
(Think 2008 onward)
How has your sense of responsibility changed?
What goals have you met, exceeded, or changed?
How have your ambitions changed?
How have the structures in your life crystallized since 2008?
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, currently at 29 degrees of Capricorn, and will regress into Aquarius on 11/21/2024. Next time it’ll be in Capricorn is in 248 years.